You should go to a health service in your country to obtain the necessary vaccinations for Kyrgyzstan. Recommended vaccination for Kyrgyzstan:
DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio)
DTP is the abbreviation of Difteria, Tetanus and Polio, diseases that we happily no longer see in the Great Britain. Abroad, there is a greater risk of escalating them. Vaccination with DTP provides protection against diphtheria, tetanus and polio. If you were born after 1-1-1950 and have all childhood vaccinations, 1shot suffers. You have been protected for 10 years. If you have never received the vaccinations, we recommend three shots.
Hepatitis A (contagious jaundice)
Hepatitis A (contagious jaundice) is an inflammation of the liver caused by a virus. The virus is transmitted by contaminated food and drinking water. A complete vaccination against hepatitis A consists of two shots. The first shot against hepatitis A gives protection for one year. A second, after a minimum of six months, gives a protection of about 30 years.
"The hiking trails wound up into remote canyons where we were surprised by the sudden appearance of yurt camps and grazing animals."